
Springhill Care Group


NKorean Fishing Boats Said to Violate Sea Boundary

http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-09-12/nkorean-fishing-bo ats-said-to-violate-sea-boundary

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korean fishing boats crosse d the Koreas’ tense western sea boundary and retreated soon after being warned Wednesday in the second such violation th is year, South Korea said. No fighting erupted though the bo rder is one the North has long refused to recognize.
A North Korean government boat briefly crossed the boundary while trying to guide the seven fishing boats back to North Korean-controlled waters, a South Korean Defense Ministry o fficial said on condition of anonymity, citing office rules.
Later Wednesday, seven North Korean boats again violated th e boundary, but they all sailed back after a warning was bro adcast, the official said. It wasn’t clear whether they were the same seven boats that earlier crossed.

2012年10月03日 13:41  by allanbrooks03

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  • .. oh, can you put a line to determine the sea boundaries,. haha.. they should put someone there watching the line..

    2012年10月04日 12:28 by Springhill sophia