
Westhill Consultingn Business Services


Westhill Consulting Diagnostics

What is Westhill Diagnosed Test?

TalentReflect ™ is a diagnostic tool defining the natural s trengths of the subject. It combines self-assessment and 360 degree feedback. Yet invites five other people who opine op eration and behavior of the person being evaluated.

SCM is a tool combining evaluation methodology based on the Success Case Method of multimedia form of follow-up trainin g. The tool assesses whether specific skills acquired during the training were used with measurable success. Utility is an introduction to the in-depth individual interviews (full function screening.)

Manpower: https://foursquare.com/westhillpl/list/consultan t-and-trainors

TEAM PLUS diagnoses assessed the quality of teamwork by all its members. The report describes 10 dimensions of team eff ectiveness on a scale of plus / minus (which has a tested te am, what's missing). The survey is anonymous, and the r esults are analyzed collectively.

Source: http://westhill.pl

2014年01月21日 16:42  by Stella Perea

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