



What was your recent dinner?

I went to a Thai Restaurant called Songkran. It was super y ummy!! I had the best service and probably drank the best st rawberry lemonade!! I ordered some chicken skewers with pean ut sauce, potato chicken curry and side dishes like green be ans, sweet eggplant and samosas.

2018年08月11日 23:59  by MintyDrop

コメント一覧 4件中、1~4件表示

  • Yes, I ate a lot. Lol

    2018年08月12日 00:01 by MintyDrop

  • Ho fun

    2018年08月12日 00:00 by MintyDrop

  • Chicken Curry!

    2018年08月12日 00:00 by MintyDrop

  • Chicken Skewers + Peanut Sauce

    2018年08月11日 23:59 by MintyDrop