


Intro To Anime-VDO-Eaterz

[i]What's up everyone!? I'm your host Mimo and am the creator of [color:660099][i]Anime-VDO-Eaterz[/i][/color ] group. I currently live in the states, have a steady job, live on my own and love to watch anime, play games and go an d try new food! [s]Yo tambien puedo hablar un poco en Espano l! No uso los accentos/tildes cuando yo tipear/teclar.[/s]

These are the three main hobby that I love in life and thou ght other users on FC2 Blog would also enjoy these things. I currently have a [i]Crunchyroll[/i] account to watch anime, I have a [i]Steam[/i] account to play games on PC and I hav e a [i]Yelp[/i] account to share my opinion/photos of food. Please send me a personal message if you would like to add m e in any of these social media outlets!

If you have any questions, please ask!!!

Let's get along!

2018年01月18日 01:29  by MintyDrop

コメント一覧 4件中、1~4件表示

  • Nice! :D

    2018年07月13日 03:23 by Chocolaneko

  • [color:FF6699]✣✣✣✣✣✣✣✣✣✣✣[/color]

    Food photography, pretty basic, just post picture of food a nd let us know in your topic title that it's food.

    [color:FF00FF]TAG for Food topics:[/color]
    [FOOD] = Delicious consumption

    Of your own desire, share with us your favorite snack or we ird uncommon foods you come across! If you visit a new resta urant/stand let us know what you thought about it.


    2018年01月18日 01:44 by MintyDrop

  • [color:FF6699]✣✣✣✣✣✣✣✣✣✣✣[/color]

    [b]..::Video Games::..[/b]
    Most games will stem from very popular platforms such as:
    [color:006699][Steam, Windows PC, PS4, XBOX, Nintendo Switc h, Handheld games (Vita, 2DS, 3DS etc.) Mobile games.][/colo r]

    Any platforms welcome for discussion! When you are discussi ng the plot, please refrain from giving major spoilers! I re commend putting spoiler-box or just creating a new topic tag ged "Spoiler". You can also link to your blog for a full review of game/anime with spoiler.
    TAGS for Video-Games:[/color]
    (NSFW) = Gore/Nudity in video games
    (Spoiler) = Talking about ALL major plots
    (General) = A general discussion without spoilers
    (Review) = Should not have any spoiler, only point out why you would recommend or not recommend to play game.


    2018年01月18日 01:42 by MintyDrop

  • [color:FF6699]✣✣✣✣✣✣✣✣✣✣✣[/color]

    Anything goes on terms of anime, with the exception of adul t (hentai) content! Please put a warning tag on Title of top ic, example:

    "[b](NSFW)(Spoiler)[/b]Kiss me in the Dark- Anime disc ussion"

    These topics will mainly be for audience of ages 16+ Anyone under this age is not recommended to view the topic.

    [color:FF00FF]TAGS for Anime Topics:[/color]
    (NSFW) = Not Safe for Work (used for hentai)
    (Spoiler) = Talking about ALL major plots
    (General) = A general discussion without spoilers
    (Review) = Should not have any spoiler, only point out why you would recommend or not recommend to watch anime

    You can add multiple tags if needed.


    2018年01月18日 01:41 by MintyDrop